Frenzel Communications Electronics Self Test / Exam Chapter 9

& Supply the missing word(s) in each statement.
    Choose the letter that best answers each question. 
1.        The two basic types of transmission line are _____.
2.        If one wire of a transmission line is connected to ground, the line is said to be _____.
3.        The distance that a signal travels during one cycle is called the _____.
4.        One wavelength that a frequency of 450 MHz is m _____.
5.        A line 4 in. long represents one-half wavelength at a frequency of _____ GHz.
6.        The physical dimensions of a transmission line determine its _____.
7.        To a generator, a transmission line looks like a(n) _____ made up of distributed _____ and _____.
8.        A coax line has a shield braid with an inside diameter of 0.2 in. and a center conductor with a diameter of 0.057 in. The characteristic impedance is _____V.
9.        The attenuation of 250 ft of RG-11U coax at 100 MHz is _____ dB. (SeeFig.9-7) (page 211-Frenzel)
10.     For optimum transfer of power from a generator to a load of 52 V, the transmission line impedance should be _____V.
11.     The current and voltage along a properly matched line are _____.
12.     If a transmission line is not terminated in its characteristic impedance, _____ will develop along the line
13.     If a load and line have mismatched impedances, power not absorbed by the load will be _____.
14.     Patterns of voltage and current variations along, a transmission line with a mismatched load are known as _____.
15.     A 52-V coax bas a 36-V antenna load. The SWR is _____.
16.     If the load and line impedances are matched, the SWR will be _____.
17.     All incident power on a line will be reflected if the line is _____ or _____ at its end.
18.     The ratio of the reflected voltage to the incident voltage on a transmission line is called the _____.
19.     The maximum voltage along a transmission line is 150V, and the minimum voltage is 90V. The SWR is _____.The reflection coefficient is _____.
20.     The reflection coefficient of a transmission line is 0.75. The SWR is _____.
21.     An open or shorted transmission line will have a reflection coefficient of _____ and an SWR of _____.
22.     Transmission lines, one-quarter or one haIf wavelength can be used as _____.
23.     A transmission line bas an SWR of 1.75. The power applied to the line, is 90 W. The amount of reflected power is _____ W.
24.     A shorted quarter-wave line looks like a(n) _____ impedance to the generator.
25.     The following lines look like a series resonant circuit: a _____ l/4 line; a _____ l/2 line.
26.     Transmission lines less than l/4 or between l/4 and l/2 act like _____ or _____.
27.     An open transmission line 6 in. long acts as a _____ resonant circuit at a frequency of 492 MHz.
28.     A coax bas a velocity factor of 0.68. One half wavelength of this coax at 120 MHz is _____ ft long.
29.     Radio waves are made up of _____ and _____ fields.
30.     The polarization of a radio wave depends upon the position of its _____ with respect to the earth's surface.
31.     The antenna is connected to the transmitter or receiver by a(n) _____.
32.     A radio wave has its magnetic field horizontal to the earth. It is, therefore, _____ polarized.
33.     One of the most widely used and simplest antennas is the half-wave _____.
34.     The length of a doublet antenna at 150 MHz is _____ ft.
35.     The feed impedance of a dipole antenna is approximately, _____ V.
36.     The horizontal radiation pattern of a dipole looks like a(n) _____.
37.     The measure of an antenna's directivity is _____.
38.     An antenna that radiates equally well in all horizontal directions is said to be _____.
39.     A quarter-wave vertical antenna is commonly known as a(n) _____ antenna.
40.     The length of a quarter-wave vertical antenna at 890 MHz is _____ in.
41.     For proper operation of a vertical antenna, the shield of the feed coax must make a good connection to _____ or a set of quarter-wave wires called _____.
42.     The horizontal radiation pattern of a quarter-wave vertical is a(n) _____.
43.     The feed impedance of a quarter-wave vertical is approximately _____V.
44.     An antenna that transmits or receives equally well in two opposite directions is said to be _____.
45.     A unidirectional antenna transmits best in _____ direction(s).
46.     A directional antenna that focuses the energy into a narrow beam has _____ since it effectively amplifies the signal.
47.     To have gain and directivity, an antenna must have two or more _____.
48.     List two basic types of antenna arrays.
49.     The three basic elements in a Yagi antenna are _____.
50.     The two parasitic elements in a beam antenna are the _____.
51.     A Yagi may have one or more _____ elements.
52.     The beam width of a Yagi is usually in the range of _____ to _____ degrees.
53.     The length of the driven element in a Yagi at 222 MHz is _____ ft.
54.     List three kinds of driven arrays.
55.     True or false. Yagis and driven arrays may be operated either horizontally or vertically.
56.     A popular wideband driven array is the _____ array.
57.     An impedance-matching circuit used to make the antenna, transmission line, and transmitter impedances match is the _____.
58.     A transformer used for impedance matching is the _____.
59.     A quarter-wavelength section of transmission line used for impedance matching is called a(n) _____.
60.     A coax balun has an impedance-matching ratio of _____.
61.     A quarter-wavelength of coax with a velocity factor of 0.7 at 220 MHz is _____ in.
62.     List the three paths that a radio signal may take through space.
63.     A radio wave that propagates near the surface of the earth is called a(n) _____ or _____ wave.
64.     The radio wave that is refracted by the ionosphere is known as a(n) _____ wave.
65.     A radio wave that propagates only over line-of-sight distances is called a(n) _____ or _____ wave.
66.     The surface wave is effective only at frequencies below about _____ MHz.
67.     The upper part of the earth's atmosphere ionized by the sun that affects radio waves is called the _____.
68.     The _____ layer has the greatest effect on a radio signal.
69.     The ionized atmosphere causes radio waves at some frequencies to be _____.
70.     True or false. Radio waves are easily reflected by large objects.
71.     True or false. The ionosphere reflects radio waves.
72.     Only signals in the _____ to _____ MHz range are significantly affected by the ionosphere.
73.     Worldwide radio communications is possible thanks to _____ transmission.
74.     The VHF, UHF, and microwave signals travel in a(n) _____.
75.     To increase transmission distances at VHF and above, special stations called are _____ used.
A microwave relay station contains a(n) _____ and a(n) _____ operating on different frequencies.

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