GEAS Terms and Definitions Part 2

emission of radiations from a substance during illumination by radiations of higher frequency

property of some pure metals and their alloys at extremely low temperatures of having negligible resistance to the flow of an electric current                                                                                               

the progressive decrease of a property as a result of repeated stress                            

the tendency of a body to return to its original size or shape after having been deformed

if a material is feebly repelled by a magnet   

the property which permits the flow of current under the action of a potential difference is called   

thermal conductivity
the rate of flow of thermal energy through a material in the presence of a temperature gradient is called                                                                                                                                                                           

the property by virtue of which a body resist any attempt to change its state of rest or motion is called    

the emission of light by a material cause of its high temperature is known as                                           

the passage of white light into a glass
the violet color travels slower than the red color

interaction between the surfaces of two closely adjacent bodies which causes them to cling together is known

the property of metals that allows them to be drawn into thin wires beyond their elastic limit without being rupture is called

solids which break above the elastic limit are called                                                                               

the property of some elementary particles that causes them to exert force on one another is known as     

the property of fluids by virtue of which they offer resistance to flow is known as                                       

the property of an isolated conductor to store electric charge is                                                                

the property of an object that determines the direction of heat flow when in contact with another object is called                                                                                                                                                                          

if the properties of a body are the same in all directions ,it is called                                                         

when a body resistant to heat, is called                                                                                                  

brittlethe property of some crystals of absorbing light to different extents, thereby giving to the crystals different colors according to the direction of the incident light is known as                                                                                     

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