EO 436 à governing operations of CATV
EO 205 à regulation of CATV
Office Order 87-08-2004 à mobile phone dealer’s permit
07-08-2004 à Mobile phone repair
08-08-2004 à Mobile phone dealer/retail/base/purchase/sale
Horn à most commonly used microwave antenna
SSB à uses mechanical filters
Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) filter à for RF filters (TV frequencies)
Plumbicon (lead oxide) à minimum lag
+6 VU (volume unit) à VF level to be placed on voice signals
+0 VU à VF level to be placed on telephone line/channel
Despun antenna à spins to focus on a fixed location on the earth
Attitude control à orientation of satellite on relationship to earth and sun
Apogee kick motor
TTC à Telemetry and Tracking Control
Helical antennas à used because of Faraday effect
Faraday screen à minimize losses (for transmitter)
Analog cell phone:
Class I à 0.6W
Class II à 1.6W
Class III à 3W
121.5 MHz à aeronautical distress frequency
2182 kHz à maritime distress frequency
LORAN C/D à 100 kHz; 460m or ¼ mile absolute accuracy, 100m relative accuracy
Class I à Cable TV Channel/Station-- off-the-air channels, DBS feeds
Class II à w/o auxiliary equipment – scrambling
Class IV à provides signaling path
Discone antenna à vertical polarization; broadband
Cellular phone FM (AMPS)à
12 kHz deviation

5150 m/s à speed of sound in steel at 1 atm
TDM à 8μs per time slot
AMPS à 10 kbps per channel
D-AMPS à 30 kbps – combines 3 AMPS channels
Cable TV:
16 dB - matching (RF)
28 dB – terminal isolation
40 dB – sound carrier isolator
60 dB – spurious radiation rejection
80 dB – cross modulation
-60 dB – adjacent channel isolation

2 dB
36 dB – video SNR for modulator
3G à UMTS (universal mobile telephone system); 2001
IS-95 à not TDMA; Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum- Mobile and Telephone
IMT 2000 à 144 kbps for fast vehicles; 384 kbps for pedestrians and slow vehicles
PD 1986 à MTRCB
EO 59 à mandatory interconnection of telecommunications networks
1550 nm à used because of least losses
RA 9292 à approved by GMA on April 17, 2004
EO 196 à Philippine Satellite
Satellite closet à offshoot of TTC (building code)
Doppler radar
Helmholtz resonator
GPS à 20,200km; 60° spacing between orbital planes; 6 orbital planes; 55° inclination
Poke-through à in building construction (telephone installation); wires poke through fire-resistant floor
Firewire à connects cameras, etc. to computer
H.261 à video conferencing over telephone line
MP3 à MPEG-2 audio layer 3
MPEG-1 à low-rate video used in CD- ROM
MPEG-4 à DivX video compression
PL-259 à UHF connector
Type N connector à coax connector; expensive but good
7:8 à dissonant tone ratio
Consonant tones à pleasant tones; antonym of dissonant
1:1.38 à max. tolerable VSWR of something
American concert A à 440Hz
One octave above middle C à 524Hz
Proxima centauri à nearest star to solar system
Aurora borealis à rapid fluttering; ionic disturbance
10 octaves à human hearing range
Ionosonde à measures virtual height
Brillouin scattering à slight frequency change; modulation of light by the thermal energy in the material; produces phonons and photons
Mie scattering à caused by particles that have the size of wavelength
Splatter à excess sidebands
J3E à 1.4kHz difference between carrier and assigned frequency
F3 à for voice
Data rates:
GPRS à >170 kbps
EDGE à >384 kbps
3G à >2 Mbps
6 MHz terrestrial à 19.39 Mbps
6 MHz data (cable modem) à 27 Mbps
3.1 m3/person à cinema volume level
NAVTEX à texting system for ships; maritime safety weather; narrowband direct printing telegraphy
Slot antenna à used for navi systems; aerodynamic
Hole à for wavelength and waveguide wavemeter coupling
Probe à coupling for waveguide
4.5 MHz + 1 MHz à intercarrier
1.25 MHz + 250 kHz à from lower edge
3.579545 MHz à chroma subcarrier
V.90 à 56 kbps for telephone line
Flicker noise voltages:
0.02-0.2 μV à metal film
0.05-0.3 μV à carbon film
0.1-3.0 μV à carbon composition
0.01-0.2 μV à wirewound
IMT2000 à not 3G
02 absorption à 5 mm, 2.5 mm
Water vapor à 1.35 cm, 1.7 mm
IMSI à international mobile subscriber identification
MIN à mobile ID number
WCDMA à 1.25W
DWDM à dense wavelength div mux
COW à cellsite; emergency purposes; on flatbed of tractor or trailer
Stripline à 2 ground planes; “sandwich”
802.3 à defacto Ethernet; CSMA/ CD LAN
100 Mbps Ethernet à 100 m
Token ring à 4 or 16 Mbps
UTC à universal coordinated time
Why are cable channels converted to VHF from UHF? à to reduce losses in coax cable
Hard line à coax with hard shield
Slow wave structure à forces electron beam to move slowly
C-band transponder guard band à4 MHz
IF for TV receivers à 36-46 MHz
Electron spin à in ferrites; due to magnetic field; precession
PVC à cover of coax
Polytetraflouroethylene à Teflon
Polyethylene à good for outdoor cables
Cross-over cable à low capacity/number of computers; will do in place of a hub
Electroluminescence à LED action
Radiometry à measuring RF spectrum
Luminosity à lumens/watt
Aperture antenna
40 km à microwave repeater distance
56 km à TV broadcast radius
Omega à raw system; 88-98% of earth
Radar – depends on:
Distance – speed of pulse
Altitude – vertical beamwidth
Direction – directivity of antenna
UHF channel à noise figure 9 dB or better
RLE à takes advantage of redundancies in bit stream
GFSK à modulation used in Digital European Cordless Telephone (DECT)
GSM à 13 kbps speech coding rate
CATV and head-end operation à requires licensed commercial telephone operator
Critical frequency of E layer à 4 MHz
Gimmick à wire that acts as a capacitor; capacitance can be changes by bending wire to one side or another
Public key à for encrypting signal
Private key à for decryption
Why analog transmission rather than digital transmission of CATV in fiber optic medium? à easier to just modulate whole RF spectrum that having to demodulate, demux, encode, etc.
On-hook loop voltage (telephone) à -48Vdc
Side tone à echo from Tx side to Rx side
Ringback à sent to the calling station to inform that call is in progress
Erlang C à blocked calls delayed until served/satisfied
Cell site D/R ratio à distance required before reuse; R – cellsite radius; “Cochannel Interference Reduction Factor”
Satellites à “spatial isolation” – frequency reuse by aiming beams at different locations (spaced-enough)
Base station à $500,000 - $750,000 to put up
1 dB, 2 dB à visual signal level throughout video channel BW
Why is it easier to analyze transmission lines at low frequency? à low L and C, leaving only resistive component
Multi-mode fiber à easier to work with than single mode; wider acceptance angle
Why is height still important for mobile telephone transmitter antenna? à for more direct path; less reflections
Soliton à any optical field that does not change during propagation because of a balance between nonlinear and linear effects in a medium
SONET à brings together the North American and European digital mux hierarchies
Passive optical network à all-fiber access systems intended for residential applications
Single-mode fiber à width=3 (wavelength of the light carrier)
Cryogenic cooling à lowers the operating temperature of receivers to reduce noise levels
SSB à envelope delay distortion test – 1800 Hz
Speech power à typically ¼ to 1/3 of PEP
CATV channels à between channels 6 and 7 (wideband); above channel 13 (superband)
VCR data à FM modulation
Superjumbogroup à 10,800 channels
GPS à user segment, space segment, control segment; main control – Falcon Air Base , Colorado , USA
Magic T à hybrid T
Feed horn à horn amplifier that feeds a reflector
100 dB exposure à 20 mins
Datawire à term for the communication channel over which data is transmitted
Slope detector à vulnerable to noise degradation
Ratio detector à more amplitude dependent but lower demodulated signal level (50%)
Varactor diode (for direct FM) à 12:1 ratio of capacitance
IF amp à most of the receiver’s selectivity/gain
SSB signals à more prone to frequency distortion because there’s no carrier to serve as reference
Lattice modulator à most commonly used SSB modulator
Losses in fiber optic cable à material/absorption losses, scattering losses, dispersion losses
Splice is better that connectors because there is no air gap
PCS à plastic-clad silica; uses silicon plastic
Fiber construction:
Glass – low attenuation; brittle
Plastic – high attenuation
Radar à 2 types: continuous wave (CW) and pulsed
TACS à 1G system used in England ; 8 kbps data rate
LIDAR à optical version of radar; light direction and ranging
Frequencies directly above 300 GHz à millimetric waves
Sunlight radiation à 300nm-2000nm (UV to infrared)
Human ear à best response – 1-4 kHz
If the desired area to capture cannot fit into the camera’s field of view, use a lens with shorter focal length
Ultor à main accelerating anode
Grid-dye meter/detector à for measuring RF current/power in antenna; for measuring resonant frequency of RF circuits
Hamming code à corrects 1 bit only
TDD à time division duplexing – 2 way communication channels are separated in time via time slots
Microwave communication is being used because of wide bandwidth
To protect against fading à frequency diversity; space diversity
Fresnel reflection à reflection of waves through 2 media; involves materials w/ different index of refraction; also involves angle; reflection of part of incident light
Initial payload à main satellite in the satellite launch
8-VSB à standard for digital TV
Why digital TV ? à possibly less BW, more immunity to noise, more signal processing
For UHF frequencies, transmission lines are used in place of LC networks.
Interlacing à technique to reduce flicker of TV picture w/o increasing BW
No. of scanning lines (conventional TV) à 525
Effective no. of scanning lines à (utilization factor) (525) = resolution of picture
HDTV à up to 1125 lines; 5 times more video info compared to conventional TV picture
Video signal w/o sync pulse à noncomposite video signal
Commercial (analog) telephone service à NTT, 1979
Problem of 1G à a phone’s code can be stole and copied – clone fraud
Why is it hard to transmit music using SSB? à it is difficult to produce 90° phase shift for AF in the 5-10 kHz range
Modern pool à alternative to having a dedicated modem + telephone line connection for each workstation
Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) à part of most aircraft/ships today
Republic and Titanic (1910 and 1912) à sinkings led to mandatory 24-hr ship-to-shore communications
Anisochronous à no relationship in the time interval (“chronous”) between Tx and Rx data
Dolby AC-3 surround sound à sound with compressed data rates
Carbon – economical
Condenser – weak response
Broadband wireless access for fixed, nomadic, mobile:
In MHz:
SUF for 3G (per MHz, M-million):
Frequency paired unpaired
5 MHz P 5M P 3M
5th-10th 8M 6M
10th-15th 10M 8M
>15th 15M 12M
Ambiophony à adjusting reverberation by providing loudspeaker feedback
2% of main signal à to provide minimum interference
Bluetooth à IEEE 802.15; 720 kbps; 1mW
Wimax à 802.16
Zigbee à 802.15.4; cost-efficient; low power; low data rate
Wifi à 802.11b; 11 Mbps; 54 Mbps
Vinton Cerf à father of internet
ITU-T à telecommunications standards bureau
William Gibson à 1984; coined “cyberspace” in “Neuromancer”
EO 467
EO 205 à regulation of CATV
EO 101 à improvement of LEC service
EO 469 à satellite; March 17, 1998
1% harmonic distortion for CATV
Birth of WWW à 1991
1918 à superhet receiver; Edwin Armstrong
820 nm à 2.5 dB Rayleigh loss
0.7 μm – 100 μm à IR wavelength
Radio Act of 1910 à first attempt at radio regulation
Hydrazine à fuel for jet thrusters
Middle C à 262 Hz
Cavity resonator à high Q parallel LC circuit
Hoghorn à parabolic cylinder plus horn antenna
15 yrs à max permit length of CATV operator authentication
Iridium à 780 km; 66 satellites
1978 à first GPS satellite launched
L band à used for navigation
3G à “2 to 4 times” 2G
2G à 3000-20,000 people per cell site
1G à 1000 people, 50 radio channels
Cell site à 10-50W
П-L network/ inductive coupling à against harmonics/ greatest harmonic suppression
Digital microwave à PSK/QAM
Cable TV supplying power and signals à 30 Vac or 60 Vac
UWB à 20/30 ft.; 500 MHz or 20% of center frequency
Randall and Boot à some type of magnetron
Beamwidth of horn antenna à 10° - 60°
Thick Ethernet à 10 Base 5 (old thick Ethernet)
Thin Ethernet à “cheapernet”
Button microphone à used in telephones
Telemetry à 481.25 - 481.725; 486.25 - 486.725
CB à 26.965-27.475 MHz
International AM station à min 50 kW
P 900 à license fee for head-end licensing
F-type connector à commonly used for TV, etc.; cheap
Cyan à 90° leading color burst
125 μm à cladding diameter
Highest sunlight power à at 500 nm
IS-136 à North American digital cellphone standard
IS-95 à CDMA
Gyrotron à high power; >100GHz; USSR 1971
Backward-wave oscillator (BWO) à TWT + slow wave structure (RF + e-beam)
CB antenna height à 60 ft. above ground; 20 ft. above building
Jabber à random data sent by NIC
9pm-7am à no push/broadcast messages in paid subscription for such messages
For 2 kW transmit power, 2860W power
Velocity factor à 0.9 – twin lead; 0.9 – open wire; 0.5-0.9 in general
Shift register à used as bit-splitter
Phase splitter à push-pull amplifier
Input of quadrature phase detector à differential amplifier
That is really good and informative blog, not all of us are aware of these terms and their meanings. Thanks for sharing it.