Floyd Full Summary Chapter 2

Floyd Full Summary Chapter 2 Electronics


·  The single diode in a half-wave rectifier is forward-biased and conducts for 180º of the input cycle.

·  The output frequency of a half-wave rectifier equals the input frequency.

·  PIV(peak inverse voltage) is the maximum voltage appearing across the diode in reverse bias.

·  Each diode in a full-wave rectifier is forward-biased and conducts for 180º of the input cycle.

·  The output frequency of a full-wave rectifier is twice the input frequency.

·  The two basic types of full-wave rectifier are center-tapped and bridge.

·  The peak output voltage of a center-tapped full-wave rectifier is approximately one-half of the total peak 
secondary voltage less one diode drop.

·  the PIV for each diode un a center-tapped full wave rectifier is twice the peak output voltage plus one diode drop

·  The peak output voltage of a bridge rectifier equals the total peak secondary voltage less twoo diode drops

·  The PIV for each diode in a bridge rectifier is approximately half that required for an equivalent center-tapped configuration and is equal to the peak output voltage plus one diode drop.

· a capacitor-input filter provides a dc output approximately equal to the peak of its rectified input voltage

·  ripple voltage is caused by the charging and discharging of the filter capacitor.

·  the smaller the ripple voltage, the better the filter

·  Regulation of output voltage over a range of input voltages is called input or line regulation.

·  Regulation of output voltage over a range of load currents is called load regulation.

·  Diode limiters cut off voltage above or below specified levels. Limiters are also called clippers

·  Diode clampers add a dc level to an ac voltage.

  A dc power supply typically consists of an input transformer, a diode rectifier, a filter, and a regulator.

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