List of Notable Inventions and Inventors

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Invented the Leibniz wheel mechanical calculating machine in 1672
Stephen Gray
Discovered the difference between conductors and insulators in 1729
Luigi Galvani
Discovered Galvanic action in 1780
Alessandro Volta
Invented the electric dry cell in 1800
William Herschel
Discovered infrared radiation in 1800
J W Jitter
Discovered ultraviolet radiation in 1801
E E Fournier d’ Albe
Invented Optophone in 1817
Hans Christian Oersted
Discovered electromagnetism and invented galvanometer in 1820
T J Seebeck
Discovered thermoelectricity in 1821
Jean-Baptiste- Joseph Fourier
Developed Fourier analysis in 1828
George S. Ohm
Formulated Ohm’s law 1826
Michael Faraday
Discovered electromagnetic induction in 1831
Michael Faraday
Invented the transformer in 1831
Charles Babbage
Invented the 1st computer with memory, control, arithmetic unit & I/O in 1833
Michael Faraday
Formulated the law of electrolysis in 1834
Samuel Morse
Invented telegraphy in 1837
Thomas Davenport
Invented the electric motor in 1837
Michael Faraday
Invented the magnetohydrodynamic battery in 1839
Edmond Becquerel
Discovered the photovoltaic effect in 1839
William Grove
Invented the fuel cell in 1839
John Herschel
Invented thermography in 1840
Charles Wheatstone
Invented the differential resistance measurer in 1843
Alexander Bain
Invented facsimile reproduction in 1843
Gustav Kirchhoff
Formulated KCL and KVL in 1845
Werner Siemens
Invented submarine cable insulation in 1847
James Prescot Joule
Discovered magnetostriction in 1847
George Boole
Developed Boolean algebra in 1848
Michael Faraday
Invented thermistor in 1850
J P Reis
Invented diaphragm type microphone in 1860
Invented the lead acid cell in 1860
James Clerk Maxwell
Discovered the radio wave propagation in 1865
George Leclanche
Invented the Leclanche cell in 1868
Thomas Alva Edison
Invented the phonograph or gramophone in 1877
Henry Hunnings
Invented the carbon granule microphone transmitter using multiple loose contact in 1878
Augustus Desire Waller
Invented the electrocardiograph in 1887
Nikola Tesla
Invented the induction motor in 1888
Almon Brown Strowger
Invented the Strowger Automatic Telephone Exchange in 1889
Joseph John Thomson
The first to study the possibility of waves traveling in hollow pipes or waveguides in 1893
Wilhelm Roentgen
Discovered X-rays in 1895
Guglielmo Marconi
Patented wireless telegraphy in 1896
Joseph John Thomson
Discovered electron in 1897
Thomas Alva Edison
Invented Nickel-iron cell in 1900
Oliver Heaviside and Arthur Kennelly
Discovered Heaviside – Kennelly layer in the upper atmosphere in 1901
Max Planck
Formulated the quantum theory in 1900
Ernst Danielson
Invented synchronous induction motor in 1902
John Ambrose Fleming
Invented vacuum tube diode in 1904
Albert Einstein
Formulated the theory of relativity in 1905
Reginald Fessenden
Conducted the first documented radio broadcasting of speech and music in 1906
Lee De Forest
Invented the VT triode in 1906
Alessandro Artom
Invented goniometer in 1907
Thadius Cahill
Invented electric organ in 1908
Kamerlingh Onnes
Discovered superconductivity in 1911
J R Carson
Developed single side band communication in 1915
W Schottky
Discovered Shot effect in 1918
Vladimir Zworykin
Invented iconoscope in 1923
Edward Appleton
Discovered ionosphere layer in 1925
H J Round
Invented Tetrode in 1926
H S Black
Discovered the effect of negative feedback on amplifiers in 1927
Tellegen and Hoist
Invented pentode in 1928
Julius Lilienfield
Conceptualized MOSFET in 1930
James Chadwick
Discovered neutron in 1932
E H Armstrong
Invented Frequency Modulation in 1933
Westinghouse Co.
Invented Ignitron in 1933
Oskar Heil
Conceptualized FET in 1935
Chester Carlson
Invented xerography in 1937
Norbert Weiner
Invented cybernetics in 1940
Moore School
Developed ENIAC in 1943
University of Pennsylvania
Developed EDVAC in 1947

National Bureau of Standards

Developed SEAC in 1948
Eckert and Mauchly
Developed UNIVAC in 1947
Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley
Invented the point-contact transistor in 1948
Dennis Gabor
Invented holography in 1948
M V Wilkes
Developed EDSAC in 1948
Yoshire Nakamats
Invented floppy disks in 1950
J I Nishizawa
Invented pin diode in 1950
Andy Kay
Invented Digital Voltmeter in 1952
Leo Esaki
Invented the tunnel diode in 1958
Allen and Gibbons
Invented LED in 1960
R G Sweet
Invented ink jet printing process in 1963
Bryant Rogers
Invented DIP IC in 1964
Douglas Engelbart
Invented computer mouse in 1965
Kao and Hockham
Invented fiber optics communication in 1966
John and deLoach
Invented IMPATT diode in 1964
Prager, Chang, and Weisbrod
Invented TRAPATT diode in 1967
G T Wright
Invented BARITT diode in 1968
Jack Kilby
Invented IC in 1958
Robert Noyce
Invented the IC Aluminum metallization in 1968
Invented the internet in 1969
Bell Labs, University of California
Invented the UNIX operating system in 1970
W S Boyle and G E Smith
Invented the CCD in 1970
Invented the video games in 1972
Hart and Slob
Invented the I2L integrated circuit in 1972
Yu, Cady, and Tantrapon
Invented CATT in 1974
Ad Hoc Committee of Grocery Industry
Invented bar codes in 1974
Invented VHS recorder in 1975
Invented Laser printer in 1975
Invented Betamax Video Recorder in 1975
Sinclair Radionics
Invented pocket TV receiver in 1977
Invented compact disc laser optical recording system in 1978
Standard Telephoned and Cables
Invented fiber optic submarine cable in 1981

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