20. What is the normal operating voltage and current for a light-emitting diode?
A. 60 volts and 20 mA
B. 5 volts and 50 mA
C. 1.7 volts and 20 mA
D. 0.7 volts and 60 mA
21. What type of bias is required for an LED to produce luminescence?
E. Reverse bias
A. Forward bias
B. Zero bias
C. Inductive bias
22. What is the name of the semi-conductor IC that has a fixed pattern of digital data stored in its memory matrix?
A. RAM—Random-Access Memory
B. ROM—Read-Only Memory
C. Register
D. Latch
23. What would be the bandwidth of a good crystal lattice band-pass filter for a double-sideband phone emission?
A. 1 kHz at -6 dB
B. 500 Hz at -6 dB
C. 6 kHz at -6 dB
D. 15 kHz at -6 dB
24. What technique can be used to construct low cost, high performance crystal lattice filters?
A. Splitting and tumbling
B. Tumbling and grinding
C. Etching and splitting
D. Etching and grinding
25. What term defines a series of overshoots in a servo system?
A. Positioning
B. Variation
C. Hunting
D. Oscillating
26. What is the acceptable ratio of back-to-forward resistance for a diode?
A. 2 to 1.5
B. Greater than 10 to 1
C. Less than 10 to 1
D. 3 to 2
27. Packaging is required for what reason in IC production?
A. To meet storage requirement
B. To increase shelf-life
C. To dissipate heat
D. Ease of handling and protection from damage
28. In radioactivity, what is the unit to measure the biological damage caused by radiation?
A. rem
B. rad
C. lumen
D. reb
29. What do you call the fine wires connecting the bonding pad to the chip t the external lead of the package?
A. Harness
B. Cables
C. Bonding wires
D. Leads
30. What do you call the ratio between the intensity of magnetization produced in a substance, to the source of magnetizing force?
A. Magnetic resistivity
B. Magnetic conductivity
C. Magnetic susceptibility
D. Magnetic reluctivity
31. What is a semi-conductor chip with electrodes (leads) extended beyond the wafer?
B. Flip chip
C. Beam-lead chip
32. What do you call an assembly of microcircuits or a combination of microcircuits and discrete components packaged as replacement?
E. Electronic module
F. Microcircuit module
H. Minielectronics
33. In the operation of dry cells, we normally refer to the supply of current to load resistance where its current neutralizes the separated charges at the electrodes as ________>.
A. aligning the cells
B. charging the cells
C. discharging the cells
D. polarizing the cells
34. What are the special class C amplifiers that are biased at 3 to 10 times the normal cutoff and used to generate frequency that is a harmonic of a lower frequency?
A. Frequency generators
B. Frequency stabilizers
C. Frequency multipliers
D. Frequency amplifiers
35. Which of the following capacitors costs more per µF of capacitance?
A. Plastic
B. Mica
C. Paper
D. Electrolytic
36. What capacitors are suitable for dc filter circuits?
A. Mica
B. Electrolytic
C. Ceramic
D. Plastic
88. What is the other name or relative permittivity?
A. Dielectric strength
B. Breakdown voltage
C. Specific inductive capacity
D. Potential gradient
89. In RF amplifier with optimum coupling, what method provides the widest bandpass?
A. A parallel circuit
B. A swamping resistor
C. A parallel variable resistor
D. A dc coupling capacitor
90. What is the operating condition of a circuit when no input signal is being applied to the circuit?
A. Neutral
B. Quantum
C. Quiescence
D. No load condition
91. What is the reading of a fully charged lead-acid battery?
A. 1.025-1.075
B. 1.200-1.500
C. 1.050-1.350
D. 1.280-1.300
92. Which of the following are the basic elements in a 555 timer IC?
a) Two comparators
b) A flip-flop
c) A discharge transistor
d) A resistive voltage divider
A. A, B and D only
B. A, B and C only
C. B, C and D only
D. A, B, C and D
93. In a sawtooth generator, increasing gate does what to linearity?
A. Nothing
B. Increases linearity
C. Blocks linearity
D. Decreases linearity
94. Why are digital multimeters well suited for testing sensitive devices?
A. High current flow
B. It is portable and ruggedized
C. Because of its sensitivity
D. Current flows through the component is limited to 1 mA
95. Compensation to an op-amp means ________ bandwidth and _________ slew rate.
A. reduced, increased
B. reduced, reduced
C. increased, reduced
D. increased, increased
96. Boolean algebra is based on the assumption that most quantities have ______ possible states.
A. four
B. two
C. three
D. single
97. Which of the following are types of resonant LC oscillators?
A. Colpitts
B. Clapp
C. Hartley
D. Armstrong
E. Crystal-controlled
A. A, B, C and E only
B. A, B, C and D only
C. B, C, D and E only
D. A, B, C, D and E
98. What does the base or radix of a number system tell you about the system?
A. Number of units used in the system
B. Number of items used in the system
C. Number of symbols used in the system
D. Number of numerals used in the system
99. The specific gravity of a lead-acid battery is a measure of its ______
A. battery life
B. operating temperature
C. state of charge
D. rate of discharge
100. In active filter, what type of filter passes a range of frequency and a certain higher frequency?
A. Band-stop
B. High pass
C. Low pass
D. Band-pass
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