Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Engineering Part 7

Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Engineering Part 7

1.      What measurements are required to determine the phase angle of a single-phase circuit?
A.    The power in watts consumed by the circuit
B.     The frequency, capacitance and inductance
C.    The power in watts, voltage and current
D.    The resistance, current and voltage

2.      The conductance and inductive susceptance of a circuit have the same magnitude. What is the power factor of the circuit?
A.    1
B.     0.5
C.    0.707
D.    0.866

3.      A circuit has a resonant frequency of 455 kHz and a bandwidth of 57.2 kHz. Find the Q of the circuit.
A.    795
B.     0.795
C.     79.5
D.    7.95

4.      A semiconductor logic output which pulls neither to a high nor a low voltage state.
A.    Logic 1
B.     Logic 0
C.    Floating state
D.    Limbo

5.      An intrinsic semiconductor has some holes in it at room temperature. What causes these holes?
A.    Doping process
B.     Thermal energy
C.     Ionization
D.    Radiant flux

6.      Refers to a field surrounding electrons and protons at stationary period indicating a stored energy.
A.    Magnetic field
B.     Electron field
C.    Electrostatic field
D.    Electrodynamic field

7.      The time required to complete one cycle of a waveform.
A.    Wavetime
B.     Frequency
C.     Wavelength
D.    Period

8.      Lines of flux that do not follow the intended path
A.    Flux loss
B.     Inductance leakage
C.    Leakage flux
D.    Hysteresis loss

9.      What consist of elements inseparably associated and formed on a single substrate?
A.    Micro-circuit
B.     Module
C.    Integrated circuit
D.    PCB

10.  What determines whether a substance is an insulator or a conductor?
A.    Number of protons
B.     Number of photons
C.    Number of valence electrons
D.    Number of neutrons

11.  What do you call the space between and around charged bodies?
A.    Magnetic field
B.     Electromagnetic field
C.     Electromotive field
D.    Electrostatic field

12.  What electrical quantity is measured by a watt-hour meter?
A.    Current
B.     Voltage
C.    Energy
D.    Power

13.  What do you call the process of converting chemical energy into electrical energy in a cell?
A.    Electron flow
B.     Polarization
C.     Electrolysis
D.    Electrochemical action

14.  A transformer has 500 turns in the primary and 1500 in the secondary, assuming no losses, if 45 V is applied to the primary, what is the voltage developed in the secondary?
A.    13.5 V
B.     135 V
C.     180 V
D.    90 V

15.  What do you call the maintenance of oscillation in a circuit in the intervals between pulses of excitation energy?
A.    Auto-oscillation
B.     Flywheel effect
C.     Damping
D.    Feedback

16.  Which one of the following can be used to generate a pulse whenever triggered?
A.    Flip flop
B.     Monostable multivibrator
C.     Stable multivibrator
D.    Schmitt trigger

17.  What is energy of motion called?
A.    Potential energy
B.     Pneumatics
C.     Kinematics
D.    Kinetic energy

18.  A fully charged lead-acid battery will indicate a specific gravity reading between ___.
A.    1.175 to 1.200
B.     1.225 to 1.250
C.     1.200 to 1.225
D.    1.275 to 1.300

19.  An effect about microwave oscillation that occurs in a small block of N-type gallium arsenide when a constant DC voltage above a critical value is applied to contact on opposite faces.
A.    Gunn effect
B.     Edison effect
C.     Mossbauer effect
D.    Miller effect

20.  What is the most influential factor in the switching speed of saturated bipolar transistor?
A.    Charge storage
B.     hte
C.     Collector current
D.    hie

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